To help you understand how companies develop custom software and tell whether your provider is following industry standards, we prepared a step-by-step guide that takes you from the moment of sending in the brief to the solution’s deployments and beyond.
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What's inside the ebook?
Does it make more sense to have the in-house technical team to do the work, or outsource the development entirely to a software development firm? Learn things you need to take into account for making the best decision for your organization.
There’s no denying that developing custom software is usually much more expensive upfront than off-the-shelf solutions. However, custom software comes with many benefits that outweigh this problem and inspire companies to choose it as a solution that addresses their unique needs best.
So, you decided to bring in a technology partner who will build a custom software solution for you. But how do you choose the best software development team? Read some critical tips for picking the best technology provider for your project.
Types of contracts, project timeline and development best practices.