In the interview for Website Planet, Piotr Nowak, CEO of Nopio, presented the mission and vision of our company. He also presented his predictions about the development of the industry, as well as explained the phenomenon of industrial polarization.
I’m starting this blog as I finally think that my overall experience has grown to a point where I have some valuable things to pass on to the readers. Plus, I’m making my venture into business development a blog. That said, a though that there may be anyone interested, still sounds outrageous.
A lot has happened over the last 11 years when I was professionally involved in a web development / consulting business. The goal of this blog is to show what shaped me, my opinions and work ethics, as well as how we’re applying these in the day to day operations of
Currently, I’m leaning towards structuring the blog around four main subjects that I want to touch over time:
Company culture
Under this category I’d like us to cover why Nopio operates as it does, why do customers trust us and, probably most importantly, why do they are happy to stick around with us.
Business development
This category is a story behind our learning about advertisement, lead generation and new clients on boarding. The whole stuff, including me, are tech people. While technology is our second nature the sales related operations are an adventure. Time will tell if we had learned fast enough.
Project updates
Building business, having great developers, and keeping clients happy leads to work. Then, when the work is done, the results are worth bragging (a strange form of blogging) about. Not sure how this section will work out, as we can’t show everything we build as ours only, but I’m happy to try showing what we can.
General commentary
There are subjects that won’t fall under any of the above categories. This one should keep them together. I’m hoping to cover things like the libs we use and love, opinions on subjects that are independent from the company itself, and so on. If the description sounds wide and undefined then everything is OK, it’s part of the plan.
The Plan that sounds important, but we all know that projects undergo some changes, and it’s possible that after some time this taxonomy will evolve as well. Don’t hold it against us, we’re new in writing blogs. Usually, we are building them for other people.